Silvia Marchesan

Silvia Marchesan holds a PhD in Chemistry at The University of Edinburgh (2008, UK), Her academic experience includes a Pharmaceutical Chemist (2007, UK) & Pharmacist (2006, Italy) qualifications, honorary researcher at UCL (London, 2005-2007), Academy of Finland Fellow at University of Helsinki (2008-2010), CRSS Fellow jointly at Monash University and Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization, CSIRO (Melbourne, 2010-2012). In 2013 she returned to the University of Trieste where she is now Associate Professor and received the Habilitation as Full Professor. In 2021-2022 (6 mo.) she was Visiting Academic the University of Cambridge (UK).

Scientific Interests

– Assembly of organic and inorganic nanostructured materials
– Emergence of function from co-assembly into hybrids or nanocomposites
– Catalysis and enzyme mimicry for green processes