Patrik Schmuki
Prof. Dr. Patrik Schmuki is the Head of the Institute for Surface Science and Corrosion within the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at FAU. His research is based on developing micro/nanoscale self-organized materials using electrochemical techniques, photocatalysis, and single-atom. He is an author on >750 peer-reviewed journal articles, 6 books, and numerous patents. His h-index is 129 with more than 70000 citations. His i10-index is 600. Prof. Schmuki is an editorial board member of Chemistry Open, Electrochemistry Communications, Electrochimica Acta, Acta Biomaterialia, ChemElectroChem, and Corrosion Reviews. Prof. Schmuki is mentoring a number of students and post-docs and throughout his research has greatly enriched the electrochemical community.